This is a root canal treatment, which is necessary if you underestimate thorough oral hygiene and caries develops in your mouth. If left untreated, inflammation or death of the tooth nerve can occur. The necessary procedure in such a case is endodontic treatment.
This is a root canal treatment, which is necessary if you underestimate thorough oral hygiene and caries develops in your mouth. If left untreated, inflammation or death of the tooth nerve can occur. The necessary procedure in such a case is endodontic treatment.
It all starts with “harmless” caries, which, left untreated, damages the dental pulp. The latter reacts to damage mostly with inflammation and pain. The dental nerve, which is located in the dental pulp, cannot defend itself and therefore dies under the influence of the long-term presence of bacteria. At this stage, endodontic treatment – cleaning of the root canals – must be carried out. Patients mostly know this concept under the term ‘removal of dental nerves’. If you choose not to undergo this treatment, it may have a negative impact on your overall health. The bacteria begin to spread through the root canal to the entire tooth area and damage the tissue of the dental alveolus. This treatment can literally save your smile! Proper root canal treatment will save the tooth and may not result in a tooth extraction.
Root canal treatment consists of several important steps. Many patients associate this treatment with pain and discomfort. However, the treatment includes the application of an anaesthetic that suppresses the pain, so you can relax during the treatment and not be afraid of feeling any pain. The aim of the treatment is to clean the root canals of inflamed tissues and bacteria, in order to save the healthy tooth!
It is important to consult with our experts before the actual treatment. The exact nature of the inflammation has to be determined, so we take great care during this step. After the examination, we will suggest a full treatment plan. This in many cases depends mainly on the extent of inflammation.
Endodontic treatments are preceded by inflammation or death of the tooth nerve. Inflammation can be very uncomfortable and painful for the patient. Therefore, we apply a local anaesthetic during the treatment. This completely eliminates pain during the entire procedure. The patient does not need to have any fear before the local anaesthetic is applied. The injection is almost painless and it takes effect after just a few minutes. The dentist will not start the procedure before he or she is 100% sure that the anaesthesia has taken effect.
After anaesthetization, we can start the treatment. The first thing to do is to remove the caries, which is the most common cause of endodontic issues. Untreated caries causes the accumulation of micro-organisms that subsequently “invade” the dental tissues.
For endodontic treatment to be effective, it is more than important to clean every single root canal. The infected tooth pulp is removed, so the area may be disinfected, which then eliminates all the bacteria that interfere with the health of your teeth.
A thorough mechanical-chemical cleaning is performed, in order for the dentist to create a hermetic filling of the root canal. A high-quality filling is use to fill the root canal. It must reach all necessary parts of the root canal. The treatment also includes taking X-ray images. Our dentists use microscopes throughout the treatment, which makes their work much easier. It is thanks to them that they are able to treat root canals more precisely and effectively along their entire length.
After the treatment, the tooth may be sensitive, so it is important to remain at rest for a few hours after the procedure. After the anaesthesia wears off, you might feel mild pain, but it goes away within a few hours for many patients. If the patient was suffering from an advanced stage of inflammation before the endodontic treatment, he or she may experience pain after the procedure even for a couple of days. If the pain persists and doesn’t subside but instead intensifies, contact us and we will give you an appointment right away!
At our clinic, we also perform endodontic treatment on request for patients from other dentists. To get started however, you need to make an appointment for a consultation. During the visit, the dentist will inform you about the course of treatment as well as the price offer.
The whole treatment takes some time, but just by undergoing this treatment you can extend the life of your teeth. However, in order to avoid it completely, it is important to treat the early stages of caries. Make sure you attend your regular preventive check-ups at the dentist, which in many cases can help prevent difficult treatments or hidden caries. At our clinic we offer high quality endodontic treatments that will give you back your healthy smile!
We are patients of the highest-rated dental clinic in Bratislava.
Dental Centrum NIVY
821 08, Bratislava
Opening hours:
Mon – Thurs: from 07:00 to 19:00
Fri: from 07:00 to 15:00
You will find us next to the Nivy shopping centre just behind the Mr. Králiček café on the ground floor of a block of flats at the address Budovateľská 4.
Free parking for 3 hours in the Nivy shopping centre or the CBC1 high-rise building; the entrance is from Páričkova street