Dental implants, tooth decay repair, root canal treatment or dental emergency. A modern dental clinic awaits you and the professional approach of a professional team led by MDDr. Tomáš Novák.
Get rid of the pain. We will treat you painlessly, quickly and in a relaxed atmosphere using the most modern dental clinic equipment. We pay attention to the quality of the procedure down to the last detail.
We are the best-rated dental clinic in Bratislava by patients - human approach, professionalism, state-of-the-art equipment and modern premises. Join the satisfied patients.
Do not rely on home procedures and come for safe outpatient teeth whitening. Professional and friendly staff are looking forward to seeing you. Our dental clinic is located in Niva.
We are located on the ground floor of a block of flats behind the Pán Králiček cafe next to the Niva shopping center.
Dental implants, tooth decay repair, root canal treatment or dental emergency. A modern dental clinic awaits you and the professional approach of a professional team led by MDDr. Tomáš Novák.
Get rid of the pain. We will treat you painlessly, quickly and in a relaxed atmosphere using the most modern dental clinic equipment. We pay attention to the quality of the procedure down to the last detail.
We are the best-rated dental clinic in Bratislava by patients - human approach, professionalism, state-of-the-art equipment and modern premises. Join the satisfied patients.
Do not rely on home procedures and come for safe outpatient teeth whitening. Professional and friendly staff are looking forward to seeing you. Our dental clinic is located in Niva.
We are located on the ground floor of a block of flats behind the Pán Králiček cafe next to the Niva shopping center.
Dental implants, tooth decay repair, root canal treatment or dental emergency. A modern dental clinic awaits you and the professional approach of a professional team led by MDDr. Tomáš Novák.
Dental implants, tooth decay repair, root canal treatment or dental emergency. A modern dental clinic awaits you and the professional approach of a professional team led by MDDr. Tomáš Novák.
We are the best-rated dental clinic in Bratislava by patients - human approach, professionalism, state-of-the-art equipment and modern premises. Join the satisfied patients.
Do not rely on home procedures and come for safe outpatient teeth whitening. Professional and friendly staff are looking forward to seeing you. Our dental clinic is located in Niva.
We are located on the ground floor of a block of flats behind the Pán Králiček cafe next to the Niva shopping center.
Dental implants, tooth decay repair, root canal treatment or dental emergency. A modern dental clinic awaits you and the professional approach of a professional team led by MDDr. Tomáš Novák.
Dental implants, tooth decay repair, root canal treatment or dental emergency. A modern dental clinic awaits you and the professional approach of a professional team led by MDDr. Tomáš Novák.
We are the best-rated dental clinic in Bratislava by patients - human approach, professionalism, state-of-the-art equipment and modern premises. Join the satisfied patients.
Do not rely on home procedures and come for safe outpatient teeth whitening. Professional and friendly staff are looking forward to seeing you. Our dental clinic is located in Niva.
We are located on the ground floor of a block of flats behind the Pán Králiček cafe next to the Niva shopping center.
Our services
Get up to 50% discount on entrance examination
The promotion is valid until September 30, 2023
Our services
Get up to 50% discount on entrance examination
The promotion is valid until September 30, 2023
Before and after
Do you dream of a smile that you won’t be ashamed of and that will give you confidence? Make an appointment with our specialists and live your life to the fullest without obstacles.
We are patients of the highest-rated dental clinic in Bratislava.
Please take a moment to peruse the reviews left by our patients on Google and Facebook
Určite odporúčam všetkým ktorý maju a aj nemajú strach zo zubarov,tu ten strach stratíte.🦷🙂
recepcne ochotne, usmievave, napomocne
Profesionalny pristup aj k takym komplikovanym pacientom,akym som ja 😁
dakujem,ze mi svojou vzdy dobrou naladou postupne znizuju extremny strach a vytrvalo davaju dokopy zubky 🙏❤️🙏
Osmička pokazena, zlomená, ubolena.
Termín som dostala na druhý deň. Super prístup, bezbolestný zákrok ( trhanie ).
Určite prídem znovu, lebo mám pár kúskov ešte na opravu 😅 a to som mala “bobky” ako som sa bala. Dr. Polívka 🔝❤️
Mala som akútnu bolesť zubu múdrosti, ktorý som vedela, že bude musieť ísť von. Na kliniku som si zavolala ráno, termín mi dali v ten deň poobede. Nebola som ich pacientkou, ale pravdepodobne sa vrátim aj na ostatné osmičky sem.
Veľmi príjemné recepčné, výborná pani doktorka aj milá sestrička.
Anestéziu, z ktorej aplikácie som mala asi najväčší strach, som ani len necítila, taká tenučká bola ihla. Zo zákroku som necítila nič, iba tlak. Röntgen majú prenosný, spravili mi ho priamo v zubárskom kresle. Cena za vytrhnutie osmičky asi najlepšia, akú som našla v BA. Určite môžem odporučiť 👍
Zhruba po 25 rokoch ma rozbolel zub(nie že by ma občas nezabolel) ale toto už bol extrém.Po prebdenej noci a "brouzdaní" po internete som sa rozhodol že teda skúsim Dental Centrum.Perfektne recenzie,prijatelne ceny........ráno som zavolal.
Príjemný hlas na druhej strane mi oznámil že môžem dobehnúť behom 3 hodín.
Tak som šiel zo strachom ktorý u mňa zakorenil po návštevách lekárov podla všetkého vyučených u nejakého markíza de Sade.
Hneď po príchode som sa ukludnil ked som zbadal pristup personálu na recepcii.
A pri zákroku (trhanie zubu) ma pani doktorka Bočová aj zo svojou asistentkou zbavili mojho dlhorocného strachu z návštevy zubnej ambulancie.Ďakujem za profi prístup ,trpezlivosť a teším sa že konečne budem chodiť zubárovi/ke z radosťou.
Prišiel som s komplikovaným a bolestivým zubom, napriek tomu Dr. Novák bol pri zákroku veľmi trpezlivý, všetko mi dopredu povysvetľoval, upozornil ma na tlak či vŕtanie. Dostal sa mi od personálu veľmi profesionálny prístup, boli veľmi príjemní a nikam sa neponáhľali. Pracovisko môžem vrelo odporúčať.
200% flexible
200% poradenstvo o suvislostiach zakroku+/extra mile service
200% professionalism
registered patients
A dental clinic right in the heart of Bratislava
At our dental clinics, your teeth will be in the care of very experienced dentists.
Are you suffering from sore
teeth or gums?
A healthy set of teeth and a nice smile are undoubtedly part of a happy life. Book a consultation with us and we will make sure your smile shines everywhere and always!
MDDR. Tomáš Novák
MDDR. Tomáš Novák
Are you suffering from sore
teeth or gums?
A healthy set of teeth and a nice smile are undoubtedly part of a happy life. Book a consultation with us and we will make sure your smile shines everywhere and always!